Sind leider nicht alle Songs, da ich aufgrund diverser Kaltschalengetränke nicht alles aufgeschrieben hab ;)
Amon Amarth - Bleed for ancient gods
Anthrax - Metal thrashing mad, Be all End all
Amorphis - Drowned Maid
Arch Enemy - Kill with Power (Manowar Cover)
Benediction - Visions in the Shroud
Brimstone - Autumn, Carving a crimson Career, Breaking the Waves
Bolt Thrower - Mercenary, No guts no glory, Laid to Waste
Carcass - No love lost
Catamenia - Dreams of Winterland, Freezing winds of north
Children of Bodom - Mask of Sanity
Covenant - Bizarre cosmic industries
Cradle of filth - Malice through the looking glass, Gilded cunt
Crematory - Tears of Time
Danzig - Twist of Cain
Die Apokalyptischen Reiter - Die Sonne scheint
Dimmu Borgir - Reptile
Dismember - Of Fire
Eisblut - Gespenst in den Trümmern
Ektomorf - Deastroy, Gipsy
Equilibrium - Met, Wingthors Hammer
Fear Factory - Archetype, Edgecrusher
Faith no More - From out of nowhere
Godkiller - The End of the World
Iced Earth - Iced Earth
In Flames - Decemberflower
Kreator - Golden Age, Brainseed
Machine Head - Ten ton Hammer
Manowar - Pleasure Slave
Marduk - Baptism by fire
Mayhem - Deathcrush
Megadeath - Skin o.. my teeth
Metallica - Fuel
Naglfar - Horncrowned Majesty
Risk - Ratman
Six feet under - Hacked to Pieces
Skid Row - Youth gone Wild, Monkey Business
Skyclad - Penny Dreadful
Slayer - War Ensemble
S.O.D. - (Weiss leider nich mehr welcher Song)
Sodom - Ausgebombt
Tankwart - Fiesta Mexicana
Testament - Practice what you preach
Tiamat - Lady Temptress
Transilvanian Beat Club - Transilvanian Hunger
Ugly Kid Joe - Neighbor
Amon Amarth - Bleed for ancient gods
Anthrax - Metal thrashing mad, Be all End all
Amorphis - Drowned Maid
Arch Enemy - Kill with Power (Manowar Cover)
Benediction - Visions in the Shroud
Brimstone - Autumn, Carving a crimson Career, Breaking the Waves
Bolt Thrower - Mercenary, No guts no glory, Laid to Waste
Carcass - No love lost
Catamenia - Dreams of Winterland, Freezing winds of north
Children of Bodom - Mask of Sanity
Covenant - Bizarre cosmic industries
Cradle of filth - Malice through the looking glass, Gilded cunt
Crematory - Tears of Time
Danzig - Twist of Cain
Die Apokalyptischen Reiter - Die Sonne scheint
Dimmu Borgir - Reptile
Dismember - Of Fire
Eisblut - Gespenst in den Trümmern
Ektomorf - Deastroy, Gipsy
Equilibrium - Met, Wingthors Hammer
Fear Factory - Archetype, Edgecrusher
Faith no More - From out of nowhere
Godkiller - The End of the World
Iced Earth - Iced Earth
In Flames - Decemberflower
Kreator - Golden Age, Brainseed
Machine Head - Ten ton Hammer
Manowar - Pleasure Slave
Marduk - Baptism by fire
Mayhem - Deathcrush
Megadeath - Skin o.. my teeth
Metallica - Fuel
Naglfar - Horncrowned Majesty
Risk - Ratman
Six feet under - Hacked to Pieces
Skid Row - Youth gone Wild, Monkey Business
Skyclad - Penny Dreadful
Slayer - War Ensemble
S.O.D. - (Weiss leider nich mehr welcher Song)
Sodom - Ausgebombt
Tankwart - Fiesta Mexicana
Testament - Practice what you preach
Tiamat - Lady Temptress
Transilvanian Beat Club - Transilvanian Hunger
Ugly Kid Joe - Neighbor
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